Talk Out of School

NYC new math curriculum & the Common Core standards

Episode Summary

Leonie interviews Tom Loveless, education researcher and author of and the author of “Between the State and the Schoolhouse: Understanding the Failure of Common Core” and Bobson Wong, NYC math teacher and the author of several books, including "The Math Teacher's Toolbox," about the problems with the Common Core, Ed Reports and the implementation of NYC's new math curriculum, Illustrative Math.

Episode Notes

List of 216 schools whose initial budgets are cut compared to last year’s initial budgets!76061&resid=BE64F542247E68E7!76061&ithint=file,xlsx&authkey=!APxYIxA0MIKmTCg&wdo=2&cid=be64f542247e68e7&link_id=1&can_id=e162a5e988b2cf9c89a105c454340eee&

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Tom Loveless, Why Common Core failed, Brookings Institute, March 18, 2021

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Chalkbeat, Math instruction overhaul: NYC unveils new curriculum mandate for middle and high schools 

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